About Us

RAFANA is a platform which basically gathers in the form of of ‘Advisory Panel’ a number of individuals who are authorities in their respective disciplines. In literal terms, RAFANA was never established, rather is reformed in 2021. It cordially invited the advisory panel members to come together under one platform to spearhead a sharper and effective delivery of multi-sectoral interventions in a synchronized manner. It took the form of a consulting firm for appropriate recognition as an entity; while it provides standalone specialized development consultancy services under an overall voluntary and purely honorary services of its advisory panel, and there is where RAFANA is different!

The advisory panel members of RAFANA possess demonstrated track record in programme development, implementation and monitoring; specialized research achievements; policy advices; Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) implementation and evaluation; as well as in the fields of renewable energy & power generation. It covers very specific and focused fields of inherent competence, whilst, touches upon numerous cross-cutting issues of global concerns including, but not limited to, sustainable development, impact of climate change adversities, food safety and security, blue economy and environmental sustainability as well as disaster risk reduction including humanitarian aid effectiveness.

The advisory panel members of the firm through their variousengagements in development activities such as, feasibility assessment, surveys, M & E and overall one-stop project management solution supports UN agencies, civil society organizations, NGOs, public sector entities and private entrepreneurs to implement and promote sustainable development across the globe, as well as the renewable power generation sector. The members of the advisory panel are strongly connected with top universities of the world such as Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, Imperial College, London University, Swedish University Agriculture Sciences (SLU) and are capable of bringing together necessary research methodology and scientific evidences for any given specific assignment, as and when required.Our advisory panel members have access to the updated data and information for the relevant sectoral interventions. The firm only leverages the talents, combines them to sharpen their thoughts to achieve a predetermined target and finally, strives to deliver professional as well as standard/ quality outputs.

It remains of essence for RAFANA to continue to uphold the quality of its products of the advisory panel, scale up and replicate its good practices across the world in its specific fields of expertise and technical edge.

...And we all are reiterating our fullest support to this ambition.

Our approach:

RAFANA exist for the benefit of undernourished, food insecure, climate change threatened, disaster and crises prone community around the world - to help them at best possible and modest way to overcome their struggle and challenges facing in sustaining their livelihood. Sustainability as a topic has recently been undergoing a remarkable evolution in response to the rapidly changing world we live in. Climate-related events are on the rise, affecting communities and disrupting lives. It’s now imperative to act.

RAFANA’s work is designed to support development project formulation, monitoring and evaluation as well as impact assessment. The firm intends to align each of its action with national priorities of the country of assignment, individual firms/entities workplan, United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) thereby, directly contributes to the SDG targets. The tasks are hence, deeply rooted with the invaluable oath of supporting the humanity through specific, focused and reinvigorated service delivery to leave behind a meaningful impact.


  • We are committed to social and economic improvements, both locally and globally.
  • We want to evolve continually and continue to provide highest quality advisory & consultancy services to our partners.
  • Expanding on our knowledge base, expertise & service offerings, we would like to dedicate our efforts towards sustainable economic growth and human development that foster a sustainable future.


Our vision is to make a difference and become an exceptional contributor towards building and preserving a sustainable world, a better future for our next generation and many more generations to come!