Dr. Swapan Kumar Sarker

Dr. Sarker is a Professor of conservation biology at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Through the teaching, research and academic engagement Dr Sarker has developed specialization in the field of Environmental & Ecosystem Modeling, Sustainable Natural Resource Management, Climate Modeling, Mangrove Management & Conservation, Conservation Biology and Spatial Ecology.

Academic Degrees

• PhD, Environmental & Evolutionary Biology, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
• MSc, Environment & Sustainability, Monash University, Australia
• BSc, Forestry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

Fields of Expertise

Environmental & Ecosystem Modelling, Sustainable Natural Resource Management, Climate Modelling, Mangrove Management & Conservation, Conservation Biology, Spatial Ecology.

Summary of employment history

• Continuing: Consultant (Landscape Modelling & Mapping of Ecosystem Services), World Bank PROGREEN Activity: Landscape Modelling and Planning in CHTs, Bangladesh.
• 2020 – Cont.: Professor, Department of Forestry and Environmental Science (FES), Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Bangladesh.
• 2017 – 2020: Associate Professor, FES, SUST, Bangladesh.
• 2010 – 2017: Assistant Professor, FES, SUST, Bangladesh.
• 2007 – 2009: Lecturer, FES, SUST, Bangladesh.

Academic Awards

• 2013 – 2017 Commonwealth Doctoral Scholarship, UK
• 2006              Prime Minister (Bangladesh) Gold Medal Award
• 2006              Chancellors (President) Award
• 2006              Vice Chancellors Award


His major contributions in the field of mangrove ecology and management has been published in top rated global journals namely are Ecological Monographs(Ecological Society of America), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS, USA), Global Ecology and Biogeography, Biological Conservation, Diversity & Distributions, Scientific Reports, Environmental Management, Wetlands, Ecological Economics, Tropical Ecology, Ecological Research, Journal of Sustainable Forestry, International Forestry Review etc. He has availed several financial assistances to accomplish his study assignments such as World Bank, NASA, UK, and Natural Environment Research Council.